Saturday 26 May 2007

Hi my name is Amanda Fisher- a school teacher, ICT subject leader as well as a leading teacher in ICT for Redbridge. Having spent the last 5 years in reception, this year I finally made the move into deeper waters (Yr6) and have gone from abc and 123 to long division and persuasive writing-which, has been a challenge but great fun!

Being a mother of three also keeps me busy, although for the most part I should stick a TAXI sign on the top of my car, as I seem to spend so much time after school dropping off and picking up from various places. A precise account of every minute needed to make sure one is not dropped off and left to fend for themselves across mountains, deserts, fields and oceans to get home, while I sit and wonder what it is I was supposed to do! Luckily my multi functioning alarm on my phone does all the reminding for me, so none of them have been stranded yet!

I'm not quite sure if it's teaching or having three children that is to blame for the short term memory loss and complete scattiness! Maybe it's both?

My aim for this blog is to share some of the resources made over the years. I hope they will be useful!